Saturday, January 23, 2016

God will CHOOSE my sussesor -Pst. Adeboye.

The Redeemed Christian Church of God South-south/south-
East Ministers/Workers' conference 2016 has been successfully concluded today (23rd Jan., 2016). The event started on Friday 22nd with only the Ministers. With the Worker joining on Saturday 23rd. The Rivers State mass choir set the ball rolling with renditions of some inspiring spiritual songs. Before I opened my eyes, Daddy GO has already mounted the alter and joined in the worship. The man of started the night's sermon with talks on MARRIAGE. Daddy said as a minister, in order to serve God adequately well, he/she needs to have a settled marriage. So he talked briefly on the topic: THE MATHEMATICS OF MARRIAGE. He said he had been married for 49 years and through out these years, no one has ever settled any matter for him and his wife. The man of God stated that no one knows his wife or husband until they are married (no matter how long they court).

He latter told the ministers that they should decease from  asking him to choose a successor. He recalled that his father in the lord (Late Pa Josiah Akindayomi), before God called him he was aware of it 5years before time! (God told him). So if he is to go, he said God will tell him and choose for Himself the next person to stair the affairs of the mission. But for now? He is going nowhere!!! From the theme of the program "The Latter Rain", text was taken from Joel 2:23-29. He admonished the ministers to get ready for the latter rain of God in His church. And to be a better example to members. Before the prayer session was the Holy Communion. Then everyone retired to rest and prepare for next day when the workers will join.
But the good news for the people of Rivers state and in deed the entire South-south/South-south East, is our Daddy has decided that he will be in stadium on Sunday 24h Jan., for an Open Heaven Miracle Crusade. God bless you our Daddy as u round up your visit to this part of nation! CHAMPION CRUSADERS.

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